
Register fee: free
Ads per day: 25+
Paid per click: upto $0.005
Upgrade at : $39.99
Minimum cashout: $7.99
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: free refs for points
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 10+
Paid per click: upto $0.002
Upgrade at : $7
Minimum cashout: $1
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: -----
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal
Note: These are smaller PTC sites but very good for advertisments!!!


Register fee: free
Ads per day: member ads
Paid per click: upto $5
Upgrade at : $10
Minimum cashout: $10
Cashout processing time: 10th day of each month
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: ----
Payment mode: Cheques


BuX.ee: You Will Succeed With Us!
Register fee: free
Ads per day: 6+
Paid per click: upto $0.02
Upgrade at : $65 & $95
Minimum cashout: $2
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: $2.5 per 10 refs
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 4+
Paid per click: upto $0.02
Upgrade at : $50
Minimum cashout: $2
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: $0.25 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 5+
Paid per click: upto $0.02
Upgrade at : $70
Minimum cashout: $2
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: $0.30 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 4+
Paid per click: upto $0.02
Upgrade at : $50
Minimum cashout: $2
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Pre-launch
Referral cost: $0.30 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 4+
Paid per click: $0.01
Upgrade at : Monthly-$7
Minimum cashout: $10 (premium members)
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Pre-launch
Referral cost: $1 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 5+
Paid per click: upto $0.01
Upgrade at : Monthly-$6
Minimum cashout: $2
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Testing
Referral cost: $0.35 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 10+
Paid per click: upto $0.01
Upgrade at : $55
Minimum cashout: $7
Cashout processing time: 30 days for free members
Status : Testing
Referral cost: $1.5 per permanent ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 4+
Paid per click: $1!! (Ya its true!)
Upgrade at : $25
Minimum cashout: $500
Cashout processing time: Instant for upgraded members
Status : Paying!!
Referral cost: $1 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal
Note: This is the only legite site i have found so far which is paying 1 dollar per click. Really nice thing!!!


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 5+
Paid per click: upto $0.02
Upgrade at : $50
Minimum cashout: $3
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Testing
Referral cost: $2.5 per 10 refs
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal
Note: A new way to earn money....
U get credited for clicking ads
U get paid even for earning points JZ check it out!!!


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 4+
Paid per click: upto $0.01
Upgrade at : $30
Minimum cashout: $4
Cashout processing time: Instant!!!
Status : Testing
Referral cost: $0.30 per ref
Payment mode: Alertpay and Paypal


Register fee: free
Ads per day: 10+
Upgrade at : $59
Minimum cashout: $50(free users)
Cashout processing time: 30 to 60 days
Status : Paying!!!
Referral cost: Permanent 35 refs for $34.98(direct refs!!!)
Payment mode: Alertpay or Buxcard
Note: This site pays.....
Just have patients!